Monday, December 6, 2010

Winners of the Vicky McClure Brand Film competition!

The Vicky McClure Brand Film launched in November was Illamasqua’s biggest competition to date!

To celebrate the launch of the Brand Film starring British actress and icon Vicky McClure, the competition asked you to watch the film and answer the related question about Illamasqua’s heritage and the inspiration behind the brand. With over 1,000 entries, the film was certainly very popular…

The lucky winner of a place on our exclusive Five Day Make-Up course at the Illamasqua School of Make-Up Art worth £1,000, a five night stay in a top London hotel with spending money to enjoy and £200 worth of Illamasqua Make-Up was…..Emily Scullion! Congratulations from all at Illamasqua, we hope you really enjoy the course and celebrations.

The Five Runners-Up, Donna Johnson, Mihai Cosmina, Frances Grasby, Anna Forte & Nina Pawlowicz were all the lucky winners of the brand new Illamasqua Brush Rolls.

Illamasqua would like to thank everyone who entered, the response was fantastic and we are so pleased to see that lots of you enjoyed the film.

To view the recently launched sequel film centred around the concept of the alter-ego click here.

If you’re an Australian based Illamasqua fan and missed out on this amazing competition, be sure to enter the very exclusive MYER competition (here) to have the chance of winning some incredible prizes.

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