Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Illamasqua Theatre - Boy George, Gabby Young and A Special Post on Sam Fine's Visit to Beak Street

I'm delighted to be able to share with you that the one and only Boy George will be DJ-ing exclusively for Illamasqua at Selfridges Oxford Street, London next Monday 20th December! We are just confirming times, but if you have always wanted to see the great man in action, come along and join us in the festivities! Photos of course to follow. 

 This coming Thursday 16th December we have the lovely Gabby Young and Other Animals performing at the Flagship Beak Street store.

National Make-up Artist Claire Lille will be creating the look on Gabby for the performance from 3pm tomorrow, with performances timed for 5pm, 6pm and 6:45pm.

Gabby's flamboyant personality and make-up taste make her the perfect ambassador for Illamasqua and we are excited to be working closely with her at this burgeoning point in her career. You will also have the opportunity to purchase products from her Gabbadashery; a platform for young British designers and illustrators that are championed personally by Gabby and her team.


Finally, we recently hosted an event for Sam Fine who has been described by US Vogue as the "go-to man for woman of colour".

Product Development Director David Horne tell me ‘we are thrilled to have been able to play host to Sam Fine’s first British Masterclass. It is an amazing opportunity to introduce the brand to broader audiences, and great to see Illamasqua playing a pivotal role in supporting black beauty alongside well known black beauty products.’

Below is David on the right with PR and Press Manager Rosa with Sam in the middle and artists from the Beak Street store!

Hayley, Marketing Assistant, got to grab a word with the man who credits Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Iman and Mary J Blige amongst his clients, who told her, "It is wonderful to be able to work with people that not only admire my work, but that are aspiring artists as well. When I’m doing this I don’t consider myself a celebrity artist or mentor as the classes are so small and intimate that I feel as though I am talking to my contempories." 

Here are some more fabulous shots from the event!

Thanks to Trey Mukjakporu and Funmi Odegbami for the images.

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