Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Australian Bloggers’ Illamasqua Christmas Wish List

After all of the wonderful counter launches in Australia this year, the lovely Christabel from our Australian team has put together a great post for the Illamasqua blog to celebrate in the countdown to Christmas...

It’s that time of year when Santa is finally deciding who’s been naughty and who’s been nice, and a selection of the Australian bloggers have put together a list of what they’re hoping to find under their Christmas tree come December 25th.

Violet Le Beaux of http://www.violetlebeaux.com is wishing for...

Illamasqua Intense Lipgloss in Follow - Because I need something bright and summery to be my go-to gloss over the holidays. The holiday season is always stressful so my gloss needs to be something I can just throw on and look completely awesome in.

Illuminator in either Fondle or Poised - Poised because it such a bright dewy colour it would be perfect for casual or dressy looks over the Summer and Fondle because it could do double duty as my eye colour and blush.

Concealer - Because Christmas involves long hours and long parties! 'nuff said.

Stefanie at http://www.the-lip-print.com is hoping for...

Precision Ink in Alchemy

Climax lipstick (partially because it's gorgeous and partially because I want to be able to answer 'climax' when some one asks me what lipstick I'm wearing, haha!)

Jacie at http://www.youvegotnail.com  would like...

Pure Pigment Alluvium - can you imagine this as a lacquer? Forget matching handbag and shoes. What about matching eyes and nails?

Sophie pencil - because we should never forget and we should always remember to be tolerant.

Opulence False Eye Lashes - I've just figured out how to apply lashes and I think these would make me and baby Jesus happy.

What Illamasqua goodness are you hoping to find under the tree this Christmas? Leave us a little comment in case Santa's reading...

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