Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Win £150 Worth of Illamasqua Products!

To celebrate reaching over 1000 fans [ a lot quicker than I expected!!] we are now offering a giveaway of £150 to one lucky Illamasqua blog reader!

**UPDATE** As blogspot is being difficult and not allowing anyone to post comments, please drop an email to info@illamasqua.com with what you would put as a comment and we will pick a winner at random on Friday 9th July... **

If you would like to win, just leave us a comment below with what products you would pick and we will use our magical powers to select a winner at random!

So, what would you choose as a prize? Perhaps one of our new foundations in a colour that you think will match perfectly, or maybe a sparkling new Nail Varnish or perhaps another Powder Eye Shadow to add to the collection [one can never have enough eye colours...]

Or will it be one of our lipsticks, the perfect red perhaps or maybe a vibrant pink for the Summer? Or are you a Cream Blusher lover, maybe you lust over the Liquid Metals, or perhaps you want to boost your brushes collection.

Perhaps you just love body oils and have been eyeing up the Illumine Oils for some time...

Let us know and we will announce the winner shortly!

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