Thursday, July 8, 2010

Julian and Joe in NYC

I got this lovely email from Julian [Founder of Illamasqua] so I thought I would share it with you...

"Joe Corre and I have been here in New York City for three action-packed days and spent all the trip meeting people and exploring opportunities to strengthen our presence in the Sephora outlets.

What has been truly amazing has been the 'welcome' Illamasqua now receives from so many people.

Apparently ' everyone is talking about us' from the celebs to the beauty obsessives through to the big names from the very best of NY's club scene.

We have had great hospitality from Amanda Lepore and Kenny Kenny at 'Carnival' and it was great to spend time with both the runner up and winner of Americas top model.

It's been really touching to hear the support we have for both our difference as a brand and our product quality.

Nearly time for home!!"

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