Thursday, July 1, 2010

Illamasqua Loves The O

A Big Night Out wouldn't be complete with out a killer hair style, which is why I am so excited about the new Cloud 9 products.

I'm delighted to introduce to you to Illamasqua Founder Julian Kynaston's latest project...
He has been working with ghd [the revolutionary hair appliances] founder Robert Powis on a groundbreaking hair project that is set to propel Cloud 9 to the forefront of the hair industry - bye bye ghd and hello TheO!

Although the product has barely been on the market for two weeks it's already selling out fast with plenty of top hair stylists getting in quick to secure the services of the TheO.

So what is TheO? In a nutshell - it's a styling roller. But of course, I wouldn't talk about any old styling roller - these ones are the shizzle and I can personally vouch for them [photos to follow shortly!]

They heat up in 3 seconds thanks to the unique induction heating system and they are hot in your hair, but not on your hands. The volume, texture and curl is so quick to achieve that you can do it whilst applying your make-up [Illamasqua, natch]

With a five star rating [by Sunday Times Style magazine no less] it's so easy to recreate 50s curls, 60s bounce, 70s waves, 80s volume, 90s .... er, what exactly was the hair trend in the 90s?!, or anything else you can think of, they are that versatile.

We've even reserved some exclusively for Illamasqua fans - sign up to our email newsletter to find out more.

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