Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sirens Event at Manchester - Fallout!

The ever-fabulous Adam from Selfridges Oxford Street travelled up to Manchester last week to launch the new Powdered Metals exclusively at Selfridges Trafford. I spoke to Sharon, the Counter Manager, for her take on the event:

"We hired out the prestigious Dome site in the middle of the Trafford Centre to launch this lovely new product and invited a couple of models along to demonstrate it.

We figured that since these three products have been developed with a variety of skin tones in mind, we would get a quintessential English Rose-type girl to and a gorgeous olive skinned guy to be our Sirens for the day!"

Powdered Metals have now launched online [click here to buy] and we will be rolling out this demonstration through each of our counters in the near future.

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