Monday, July 6, 2009

Fashion Futures

Last Thursday, Krystle from our Selfridges Trafford counter, went down to Salford University to present a 40 minute presentation on the Beauty industry, organised by the charity FAD.

The Fashion Futures 1 course gives Year 10 pupils an insight in to the fashion industry and careers within it. I had a quick chat with Krystle to find out how she contributed:

"I started by discussing how I became a make-up artist and how I became interested in the fashion and beauty industry. I then discussed catwalk make-up with the students and emphasised that the looks created have to fit in with the clothes and image being presented by the designer - it is not just about making someone look attractive!" She explains.

"We then held a Q&A session and the pupils were extremely enthusiastic to know more. We then went through, one by one, each student's fashion designs and discussed possible make-up looks for the show [which was held the following day]. It was great fun!"

Below is a photo from when we first launched at Selfridges Trafford...

To book a make-up lesson with Krystle, call 0161 629 1187 and to read her biography click here.

For more information on FAD and the Fashion Futures programs, click here.

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