Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Powdered Metals Launch Today At Selfridges Trafford

Lots of activity going on at the Illamasqua counter at Selfridges Trafford today. Charlotte, our model booker, has organised that two lovely models will be there for Adam Sidwell [one of the Selfridges Oxford St artists] to recreate the iconic Sirens looks and to demonstrate the new Powdered Metals.

I will post the pictures from the event at a later stage!

In other news today, we are brainstorming ideas for the Autumn/ Winter collection photo shoot which is due to take place at the end of this month. Alex Box was in yesterday to discuss her ideas and we are now working out which ideas to roll with! A mix of commercial appeal with edgy photography, unique styling and innovative use of make-up is always our fundamental principle - I can't wait to see how this shoot looks and I will be leaking more insider info on the shoot and the collection as everything becomes clearer...

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