Monday, January 17, 2011

WIN An Entire Set of The Throb Collection

Celebrate St Valentine's Day with us by getting inspired with the new Throb Collection from Illamasqua - now available to purchase from!

With a desirable range of red's with Nail Varnish in 'Throb', Lipstick in 'Sanger's and Intense Lipgloss in 'Succubus' to make your heart race ...

With a new Nail Varnish in 'Load' - a creamy coating for the nails ;-) - and Nail Varnish in 'Scorn' - that fabulous matt black that nail artist Mike Pocock is seen using in the below video, you have a fantastic collection of classic shades that will stir your deepest desires ...

To WIN this entire collection, just leave us a comment below telling us what makes your heart throb and we will pick a name at random this Friday 21st January ....

Good luck!

Creative Director Alex Box has caused another sensation with her beautiful imagery for Throb ...

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