Monday, January 10, 2011

An interview with Boy George

We have an exclusive interview with Boy George to share with our wonderful followers today from the DJ set he performed for Illamasqua in Selfridges. With a crowded Beauty Hall, stunned passers by and a fierce party atmosphere, Boy George certainly held his presence in Selfridges as he DJ’d and played out some of his most infamous songs for Illamasqua.

To celebrate the success of the event we wanted to enlighten you on his thoughts of Illamasqua and the S.O.P.H.I.E charity…

Why have you decided to work with Illamasqua?
Illamasqua is in my opinion a very exciting brand, a new brand that champions self expression, something I clearly relate to. I am self expression! I grew up with Illamasqua’s Joint MD Joe Corre who introduced me to their range of highly pigmented products and vast colour palette. I did this DJ set in Selfridges beauty hall by the Illamasqua counter today to celebrate their two year birthday and raise awareness for the S.O.P.H.I.E foundation, a fantastic charity Illamasqua supports which stands for Stamp Out Prejudice, Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere. All profits today will be going to the Sophie Foundation. I think the connection is brilliant. I spent my whole life doing my own thing and its horrible to think in this day and age you get killed for being different as Sophie did, so sad…

Boy George with Sylvia Lancaster, Sophie's mother

Do you have particular sources of inspiration for your makeup looks? DO you look at editorial in magazines, or the catwalk or other references, if yes, what are they, or does it all come from your imagination?
No one particular thing inspires my makeup. I don’t go for a look as such but whatever feels right and natural at the time. When I was younger I used make up as a form of rebellion, exhibitionism, however as I’ve gotten older this has changed I find that in a way I shield behind my ‘mask’, my face full of makeup, not in a protective way but in a way that feels normal and natural to me. I love make up!

What's the best thing about wearing Make-Up and would you recommend other boys do it more often?
Absolutely! In my opinion make up is one of the best inventions ever. I love make up. Many men including straight men who I know wear makeup and haven’t stopped doing so however they just don’t let people know. Why shouldn’t they?! People should be free to self express and wear make up in an unapologetic, obvious, proud way…

 Look out for the video footage coming soon…

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