Monday, November 29, 2010

The Illamasqua Christmas Wish List...

Today is apparently the day that we all suddenly realise that it's less than a month until Christmas and burn our credit cards up on the internet getting in our Christmas shopping! Now, I am not going to rub in that I have already bought and wrapped my presents [I'm a virgo...] but instead find out what the Illamasqua team are really wanting for Christmas ...!

Halimah Haque - Product Development Assistant

The Brush Roll - £95. This is one of the most exciting gifts that Illamasqua are offering this Yule Tide! With 5 of our best selling brushes available in a beautiful, bespoke brush roll with the iconic narcissistic woman, this is something that as a professional make-up artist who freelances in my spare time, I can't be without.

Rosa Sibaja - PR and Press Manager

This Christmas is extra special for me as I also turn 30! To mark the occasion I am hoping that Santa brings me this ultra-glam Vivienne Westwood leopard print dress [£845] to celebrate in! I will also be rocking the gold Opulence Luxury Lashes to really make a statement.

Hayley Smith - Marketing Assistant

With the party season fast approaching, I am looking for a way to stamp my individuality and dare to be different with my look this season! As a newbie to the Illamasqua team, I have been super excited to suddenly be exposed to such great products and such a fantastic team spirit, and the sense of originality and individuality has encouraged me to place an order of the Nail Quills [£35] that I will be rocking over Christmas and New Years!

Alex Cummins - Junior Brand Manager

With the cold snap showing no sign of snapping off, my skin is getting a battering! I have recently discovered SkinCeuticals, a science-based skincare company that have products that really deliver. I am loving the hydrating B5 serum - it has totally transformed my skin. And we all know how important a great base is for make-up!

 I am also really looking forward to picking up my third [!] bottle of Nail Varnish in 'Baptiste' - I've never finished a bottle of Nail Varnish before, let alone two, and this is my absolute favourite; a rich, multi-dimensional purple... [thanks to for the swatch!]

Carl Atkinson - 

I am looking forward to relaxing this Christmas after another busy Illamasqua year! I will be wishing for a selection of Neal's Yard Remedies products - they do a great mens range, but I absolutely love the Geranium and Orange Bath Oil [£13.70] for a sensory experience. They have a fantastic selection of Flower Remedies as well that will help to rectify any Christmas over indulgence!

Calum Mackay - International Account Manager

I joined Illamasqua this year and I have really embraced the men in make-up mantra of the brand! Every Friday night I am now rocking a smoky eye courtesy of the Sophie Pencil, but I think this Christmas I would like to experiment with different Medium Pencil colours - Debonair for a bright blue or Sorceress for a chocolate brown would be high on my list!

I also cycle to work every day which can be pretty chilly, so a Markus Lupfer merino wool crew neck jumper [£239] would be a lovely treat ...

Amy Jones - International Account Manager

I am going snowboarding this Christmas, so the thing that I would really like is that I come out of that with no broken bones! Last year I broke my elbow. Ouch.

Once I am back from being out in the snow, I'd love to warm up with some gorgeous candles - the Kiki De Montparnasse Ambience Candle Set [$75] is perfect for travelling.
Kathy Koonts - Merchanding and Operations Manager

New singles for my juke box are top of my list - I've recently treated myself to a 1958 wurlitzer jukebox!
I would also love to get some more Liquid Metals to add to my collection - I have my eye on Phenomena right now ...

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