Thursday, November 4, 2010

Featherstonehaughs wow the Illamasqua team!

Last night, members of the Illamasqua team headed to the Village Underground in Shoreditch, London to watch the The Featherstonehaughs perform their debut show. Set in an impressive space in the arches of a railway bridge, the location lent itself to an artistic performance that required the audience to follow the dancers around the space as the story unravelled.

The all male dance group had us gripped from the beginning of the performance and their creative contemporary piece of expert choreography comes highly recommended. With make-up designed by Illamasqua, the aesthetics of the performance set it apart and supported the theatrics perfectly!
Continuing into next week, they tour will continue at the Robin Howard Dance Theatre, The Place - 06, 08-10 November, ALL TICKETS FOR LONDON FROM THE PLACE

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