Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School of Make-up Art: Course Breakdowns: Building Abstract Creativity - Art & The Alter Ego

A 2 day course, the 'Art and the Alter Ego' course will encourage you to unleash your alter ego in whatever way takes your fancy...

To do this, you need to feel confident working with colour, technique and effect so that you can create our own individual work of art. As well as teaching you the basic make-up principles, we'll make sure that you're so confirdent in your abilities that you'll have no qualms redefining them either, in order to put together looks that express the inner you.

To help you harness your creativity, guest professional make-up artists will be on hand throughout, ready to give you an insight into getting the most from your make-up kit. A truly unique experience, this hands-on course is inspired by the work of Illamasqua's Creative Director Alex Box - "The most outrageous make-up artist in the world."

Course Content:

Day 1: Technical Workshop - Perfecting technical skills: blend, line, define, sculpt, refine. Plus in-depth review of the work of Alex Box.

Day 2: Creative Workshop - Personal expression, transformation and Make-up Art.


£375 [this course includes a complimentary make-up education kit, retail value £98.50]

Course dates:

20-21st October

22-23rd November

22-23rd December

For further information, or to book, please email school@illamasqua.com or call us on 0844 984 1700

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