Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alex Box Masterclass MYER Sydney, Australia

Saturday 31st July saw the Alex Box Masterclass at MYER Sydney. We were extremely lucky to have Alex as she has been extremely busy in the past few months so for her to fly to the other side of the world is testament to the commitment that she gives Illamasqua and her desire to meet all of the artist teams and make-up obsessives around the world.

We had two classes in the day that included customers both new and established, make-up artists, bloggers, trannies and students all eager to meet Alex Box and see her in action...

Thanks to all who came along, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Also coming up this week, the Myer Fashion Parade. We have our final meetings tomorrow to lock it all down, followed by final look discussions on Tuesday, a grand rehearsal on Wednesday and the show on Thursday. Phew!

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