Monday, September 27, 2010

Mizzworthy/ London Muse Art of Darkness Competition

If you haven't yet entered the brilliant competition being held in collaboration with Illamasqua, London Muse make-up school and Mizzworthy, then you are missing out on a seriously great chance to get creative and win a fantastic prize.

The Rules:

The Art of Darkness collection includes 13 characters for a fantastical banquet.

The aim of this contest is to create a final 14th character. Let your imagination run wild, and play in the shadows to create your own guest for this very special banquet.

There will be two ways to enter the contest - via blog/email on MizzWorthy, or by leaving a response to the London Muse video announcing the contest, and thus two winners.

Your entry must include a description of your character, the inspiration behind it and finally the look you have created. Any additional info such as how you created the look, products used etc can also be included. Please do not photoshop your entries.

Alternatively, to enter by video, you must leave a video response to the London Muse video, which is a maximum of five minutes long - this does not necessarily need to take the form of a tutorial, however as with blog/email entries you must tell us about your character, how you created them, and show us the final look. Again, you can include further information if you would like to.

The contest will run for one month from Thursday 16th September to Midnight (UK time) Sunday 17th October 2010. This is the final deadline,and due to the nature of this contest, cannot be extended.

You may use products/media from any range to create your look. Products do not have to be from Illamasqua.

Blog entrants must be followers of the blog, and likewise video entrants must be subscribed to the London Muse channel on Youtube. Given the effort and planning that goes into these contests, as well as the prizes on offer, this is a reasonable request, and it also helps entrants to be able to find out about who has won easily.

Your entry MUST be an ORIGINAL COMPLETE LOOK of YOUR OWN CREATION. This is a further reason for entrants being required to provide us with some information about the character that they have created.

Finalists will be announced as soon as possible after the deadline.

Illamasqua Creative Director Alex Box will then make a final decision and select one winner from the blog/email entries, and one from the video entries.

NB - The prize does NOT include accommodation or travel to the London Muse course. The winner must cover the cost of their accommodation/travel to and from the course.

The contest is open internationally, and you may enter as many times as you like, each entry will be judges as an individual entry. You may enter the blog/email side, the video side, or both.

Judges decision is final.

Good luck, everyone!

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