Monday, February 22, 2010

The Big Move

I will miss Soho. I will miss the mixture of hippy media types, the sharp suits of the advertising execs, the alternative fashion of the Old Compton Street regulars, the grungy glam of the Soho House regulars, the hordes of international tourists -stopping for no apparent reason right in front of you so you end up tripping over their bulky rucksacks and chucking your Pret a Manger coffee all down your front - and the odd celebrity [Jude Law, Keira Knightley, Robbie Williams and Gary Oldman have all been spotted by various members of our team]

I will miss the daily excursion of the local hare krishnas as they sing and chant up Charing Cross Road...

I will miss stepping on to the street outside our office and immediately getting accosted by a tourist as to the direction of Leicester Square/ China Town/ McDonalds...

I will miss wondering why on earth people would eat their dinner in the Scotch Steak House when just beyond them on Dean Street, Frith Street, Wardour and Greek Street lie some of the most celebrated eateries in London...

I will miss admiring the kooky fashion of the students from Central St Martins next door, who will always wear ripped denim shorts and a flimsy Alexander Wang crop top no matter what the weather...

I will miss my very messy desk [and also miss my former boss yelling at me about it!] ...

The team spent most of last week packing everything up ready to move. Halimah and I found a great moodboard of the original concept for Sirens. This was our first ever collection, for Spring Summer 2009 and was created in association with the artists on our Selfridges London counter.

So, it's onwards and upwards in terms of actual office. We now have the most fabulous office. It has a bright pink wall [a source of hot debate between the male and female members of the Illamasqua team] and huge images of our past and future collections.

We also have the old counter build from Selfridges London...

... and a fabulous area for the Product Development team.

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