Friday, November 6, 2009

Alex Box by Rankin Book Signing

For all of you who couldn't come along - or who live in other countries! - here are some photos from the event yesterday.

Alex Box came to Selfridges Oxford St to sign copies of her critically acclaimed book Alex Box by Rankin.

Alex is rocking the green lips - is she on to something here?! - and a gorgeous green 80s jumpsuit.

The lovely Holly provided the canvas for Alex's extrovert creativity and was soon made up with a variety of Powder Eye Shadows, Pure Pigments, Powder Blushers and just about every other product on the Illamasqua counter, by the look of things!

She also signed copies of her beautiful new book.

Mika [star of the Dystopia collection] was also there and he is pictured here, modelling his new hair cut, with Aga.

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